What To Do When A Rumor Is Spread About You

09/12/2012 13:32
Rumors, some you belive, others you don't but what if its about you? Do you act like you never heard about this, or do you comfront the person telling the rumors? So today I will be talking about what to do if a rumor is spread about you or someone you know. I will be showing diffrent situations and how to deal with them. 

1 - You and your boyfriend

This can be any rumor that involves you and your boyfriend, it includes you breaking up, one of you cheating and more. These types of rumors come and go so don't worry. Most of the time these rumors are made up by someone that either likes you or your boyfriend and wants to date one of you so there plan is to make you both single. It can also be someone thats jelous of how happy you are. Just make sure that these rumors are false and don't let them break you two up. If these rumors are true then talk to him about it. You should trust each other enough to know that this isn't your fault and that you can get through this. 

2. Dangerous Rumors

These rumors can include you drinking alcohal, taking drugs, stealing and basicly anything that you could get arrested for. These rumors are serious and not to be taken lightly. The people that spread these lies are usually the ones doing them and don't want anyone to find out so they blame others. I've never been in a situation like this but if you are then let your parents know because its better for them to find out from you then from someone else. Also talk to your teachers. If it is very serious then get the police involved because if they think you are the one doing these things then you may get arrested.

3. You and a Friend

These are rumors spread about you and your group of friends and they tend to happen at school. Usually these don't matter and everyone will forget by the time the week is over. Most of the time someone that is jelous of you or that doesn't like you will make up things to lower your confidence. However, don't let people bother you and stand up for yourself. Tell as much people you know that its not true or act like it never happened. Just make sure that it doesn't affect your self esteem.

4. Just You

Personally I think that these are just as bad as dangerous rumors because they can cause you to get deppressed and maybe even hurt yourself. Unlike 1 and 3 you are on your own and there may not be anyone there for you. So if you are going throught this check out out article called " Depretion" and "Bullying 101" because this is bullying. A bully is someone who says or does mean things to you and if thats happening then you are being bullied. 

So I hope I was able to help you out. I hope that your problem will be solved and that no more rumors will be spread. By:Sofia