Sofia Blog 25

22/03/2013 19:44
Friday, March 22, 2013

Hey fashionistas's and fan girls! So this is blog twenty five. Wow I write so many blogs! omg! Anyways, T.G.I.F! Friday is finally here and i'm so exited. The main reason is because ever since we came back from march break, teachers keep giving us homework, especially french and matgh. That's also why I haven't been on latley.

But to make it up to you all I wrote an advice blog named "What To Do" about career options and finding out your next steps for the future and I also made a couple of articles on my other website so check them all out and I will be very greatful.

I've also decided to make two blogs. One (this one) about what I did on march break and this week ant the other a Q and A (question and answer) about me and the website because I feel as if theres just so much you need to know and its hard to fit al these things into blogs without being random. I'm not sure if i'll be able to finish them both because Degrassi starts at 9:00 and I can't miss it! But i'll definitly try my best to.

So on march break I didn't do much, just had a lazy week but I did have a sleepover with Rafaela.  Lol, we found a bug and then Rafaela thought it crawled on her when she was trying to sleep so we started freaking out and using our phones to look for it. We ended up never finding the bug again so we assumed it was just a hair that fell on her face. We were however, still a little paranoid so we chose to sleep on the couch in my basement. Since that was way too small we decided to go to the living room couch instead.

Yesterday a man from a highschool nearby came in to my school to talk about our future and get us ready for highschool and it was cool to hear about the kids he knew that he had helped or was curently helping.

So that's it! Sorry if it was boring or didn`t have much in it, i`m just telling the truth about my life and if that`s boring then too bad i`m not gonna lie just to please people. BYE!!!