Rafaela's christmas wish list

20/11/2012 16:28

MERRY CHIRSTMAS EVERYONE! Chirstmas is just a few blocks away, but it doesn't mean that we can't still celebrate here and do our christmas wish list early. So I guess I will tell you what I want for christmas and why I want them:)

My Christmas wish list XD

1. I want an Iphone 5. I want this because I don't have a phone and I can't contact my parents if I'm going to be late I'm going to house unexpectedly 

2. I want the Just dance 4. I want this because I have the secound one and its really fun to play.

3. I want clothes. I want A LOT of clothes because well who doesn't?

4. I want some biker boots because they are very nice and also that my other boots don't fit anymore.

5. I really want out of all the rest is a STRAIGHTNER! I always wanted a straightner because my hair always gets sooo puffy it is very tiring to take showers in the mornings everyday so my hair won't stay puffy.

6. I want a ring. I saw this REALLY nice ring from avon and very preety, no meaning really to it.

7. I also want more earrings.

8. I always wanted another dog because sometimes I feel like my dog is so lonly at home and it feels like she wants to play with another dog or something. I don't know, oh well just getting my hopes up.

9. Last but not least a slushie maschine. I saw this comercial that you can make slushies with any type of pop are juice:)

So thats my wish list, if you found anything intersting here that you want you can tell us on guestbook:) Byeeeeee!

BY: Rafaela