My Reaction to a Video I Watched

28/02/2013 18:04
Hey everyone, Madison here, and last night I watched a very sad video. I even started crying but, I never cry during videos so it's rare for me to do this but, it was imspiring. It was about a girl whoms mom cumitted suicide and her daughter was having suicidal thoughts but, her mother successed in her wanting to kill themself and did. It was sayong that around 2:10 am her mother cumitted suicide, also around the end it said if you ever think suicidle thoughts that you are beautiful the way you are, and that someoone does care, GOD! He doesn't want you to die at maybe 13 years old, he wants you to live your life and not die out of nowhere! He wants you to know he cares even though you don't know he is talking to you, he knows you can't hear him but, he still anwser your prayers. If you pray to him saying please for give my sins and what I have done and please bless everyone even the ones I dislike. He will do so. Hopefully you liked my article and pray to God for others and yourself.

