Hair Care

25/11/2012 17:16

Whether your hair is curly, wavy, straight, puffy or frizzy taking care of it is an essential. Think about would you rather have split ends or hair that you can be proud of ? So today I (Sofia) am going to show you some tips on how to get healthy hair.


1. Shampoo and Conditioner -  A good shampoo and conditioner are extreamly important. They will give your hair the nutrients it needs as well as making it look clean. Another tip on making hair look cleaner is by using head and shoulders if you have dandriff. However the best shampoos are Loriel, Pantean, Dove and more.


2. Moisterizer - Moisterizing hair makes it so much healthier. It will reduce split ends, give your hair a nice shine and make it softer. Always moisterize your hair before blow drying, straightning, curling or any heat. 

3. Cutting Your Hair - Knowing when to cut your hair is also extreamly important. The best time to cut your hair is when you have split ends. To determin if you have split ends feel the ends of your hair, if they feel bumpy then there is a chance of you having split ends. Also if your hair is becoming to hard to comb then that means you may have split ends.  

S0 I HOPE YOUR HAIR IS NOW HEALTHY. See you next time. BY: sofia