Find Out What You Want to Do

22/03/2013 18:43

Whether your in high school, elementry, middle school, college, university or anything else, finding out what you want to do with the rest of your life is crucial. So in article I will teach you how to find out your next steps for the future.

1. See what your favourite class is - When you go to school see what your favourite class or classes are or maybe even school clubs. Try to get things from that class and relate them to your own life and think of what those subjects could lead to. Mine are writing and drama, meaning that I should try to get into the arts and maybe even write a screen play. If you like every subject equally then you could get into teaching and if you don't like any try a job like police officer, guidance councler, photagrapher or whatever else you can think of.

2. Find a role model - Look for someone that does something you admire. It can be a celebrity, actavist, family member, friend, or someone else and identify what about them you find special and try it out. For example if its a singer/actress like Demi Lovato be some sort of preformer and if your not talented in the arts maybe be a therapist for people that are depressed or bi-polar like Demi. If its a model like Tyra Banks try modeling and if that doesn't work out then try anything in the fashion indestry, maybe even try to design clothes. Rafaela's role model is Oprah Winfrey so if you feel the same way try interviewing or even journalism. 

3. Ask your family and friends what career they think you should pursue and what talents they see in you. This may lead to more ideas. However, make sure that what they say is for all the right reasons. For instance if a member in your family has always wanted to be a singer and keep pushing you to be one they may be trying to live their dreams through you but usually this isn't the case. Make sure to take all of their opinions into consideration because maybe you'll discover a pasion that you never even thought you would have.

4. Try new things - Don't just guess what you can be, try them out to. Join diffrent school clubs, groups or teams, take all sorts of lessons at your local comunity centre, ask your family to take you to new places and wherever you go look for inspiration. Since it can get expensive, try each thing once at the time and don't get ahead of yourself or you may end up confused. Once you've tried alot of new things chose between 5-3 of your favourites and then decide, from those which one you truly think is the best for you that can lead to a job. Make sure that you think of how it will affect your life and if your really capable of doing it.

5. Reflect on previous jobs or experiences - Think about your past job or jobs and remember what about them you liked and maybe try them again or take them to a whole nother level. For instance if you had a job at a fast food restaurant like McDonalds or Tim Hortins maybe you can open up your own bussness that's simular to them *but don't copy because you can get sued. If you've never had a job think of your favourite memories, if its something like a type of sport open up your own sport shop or place. Maybe you can even become a proffecional athlete, its all up to you.

6. Think about your favourite shows or charactars - Look for a show that you enjoy or a charactar in it you admire (just don't say Jersy Shore because that may not be the best career option for you). Maybe its a cooking show like Cake Boss, if so become a baker or chef. While if its everything about the show you enjoy get into the media arts. Try acting, directing, screen writing, producing and more.

That's it for this article! I hope that you can at least find a few options and if you didn't then keep on trying! There is a world of possibilities out there. And if your sure then you can't give up, you can never dream too big. You've only got one life to live so live it your way and do what you want. By: Sofia