26/10/2012 11:54

HI i'm going to talk about one of the most complecated subjects ever, BOYS. But hopefully you don't have these troubles yet but i do and i'm only in the 7th grade so i'll tell you a little about my boy troubles 2 days ago 3 different boys asked me out and dne of the i have never met before and he was like a grade 9 so of coruse i said no to all of them and in class some boys flirt with me and some of witch i have a bad history with. so now advice for the future.

TO GET A BOY TO LIKE YOU: be your self is the key and if he dosen't like you for being you then move on because he's not whereth it i lerned that the had way and will a ways regret wtat i did for him.

TO GET RID OF A BOY: sorry that sonds a bit harsh to get him to not likeyou is tell him the truth but i just can't get one guy named Lannon off me he is so annoying he started to like me half way though 6th grade that i know of and i've even tryed being mean to him but apparently he will try to date me "forever" and some time you have to get your parents involved so i may have to do that if he still likes me by the end of the month so good luck to all the girls of the world and i hope you never meet a guy that has an obsesion over you. Madison budding in! :) So me and lannon had a bad history but, were still friends like best friends and he dosen't like you anymore and the 3 guys that asked you out don't actually like you Juwan just made them. :) tee hee! bye!
